Friday, July 3, 2015

Heard from a distance, they are a continuum of short, sharp barks. It is a phenomenon we have come across on a number of occasions over the last few years. And we know instantly what they represent: pure, unadulterated joy. They're the exultation of a small, overweight terrier, a rescue dog that loves water and particularly any opportunity that opens to her wallowing in the shallow waters of the Bilberry Creek Ravine.

The clay bottom of the creek sends up its particles and the water becomes muddily opaque but it is heaven to this little dog. Knowing this, her patient human companion sits nearby on a bridge abutment watching the display of happiness, and feeling content that he is enabling the little dog to enjoy its life. It was once destined to be destroyed, but his wife's eyes fell on the small creature being held by the Humane Society and although they were there to find a large dog since this was what he wanted himself, they ended up with Tansey.

Tansey has a companion, one acquired afterward, also from the Humane Society. And that one is a large dog, given to barking furiously whenever anyone draws near, but fiercely loyal, loving and protective of both Tansey and their humans who look after them. During the fierce afternoon thunderstorm that sent us running for cover on July1st, the large dog had cowered in confusion and fear, even though she had been outfitted with a garment that claims to soothe and reassure dogs during such fearful natural events. It will take a few days yet for her to recover from her fear, so no walks until then.

Otherwise the two dogs are devoted to one another, as they are to the people with whom they live in a house bordering the ravine. Tansey is loathe to leave the house for a ravine walk without her companion but the knowledge that the creek awaits her suffices to tear her away however reluctantly, and opt for the walk.

They're both slightly beyond their middle years, those two rescue dogs, neither in terribly fit shape, but content with the lives they now enjoy.

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