Monday, June 29, 2015

It is demonstrable fact, a stark reality, that the world we inhabit is skewed in its human values. Any view of history will attest to that incontestable reality, biased or not.

All of it complicated by the very fact that an ancient people whose religious devotion gave birth to monotheism informed and directed the formation of offspring-religions, both of which would go on to become the most influential and compelling of social-religious faiths in the world, absorbing countless millions into their sphere.

And both of those offspring religions, Christianity and Islam, inspired by Judaism, have gone on to pose an existential threat to the existence of Judaism and the Jewish population -- relatively minuscule in numbers by any standards of ethnic-population demographics -- through actively plotting and succeeding in slaughtering huge numbers of Jews throughout historical reality.

Three-quarters of a century after the start of the Second World War when Europe's Jews were targeted for mass annihilation, the number of Jews in existence was slashed by half. Even before then Jews comprised an insignificant-in-numbers proportion of human society. Jews were portrayed as sub-human, as undeserving of life, presented as a threat to world peace needing to be destroyed to prevent them from achieving a malign purpose of enslaving the rest of humanity.

This, a people, despite its paucity of numbers, that has given birth to a disproportionate number of acknowledged and awarded Nobel Laureates for their creative genius in literary, artistic, scientific and medical contributions to the advance of human achievement and understanding of the world around us.

An unprecedented program of mass annihilation was launched by a fascist government to favour the world by removing the scum within it, exemplified by the presence of Jews. The world looked on, fascinated, unresponsive, while six million human beings were systematically persecuted, and ultimately destroyed.

The scourge of anti-Semitism, put temporarily to rest as a result of the guilt that ensued has come roaring back to life. Jews now have a homeland of their own returned to them, however unwillingly by the international community. Guilt assuaged, that same international community is now hard at work helping the last and most tribally irredentist and scripturally hate-inspired offspring of Judaism destroy once again through libel and violence, what remains of world Jewry.

Jewish existence has not yet been restored to its pre-World-War-II numbers. The Jewish citizens of Israel, the heritage homeland of the Jews, only now has attained the numbers that were destroyed by the Third Reich with the aid of European supporters. The diaspora consists of an equal number of Jews living primarily in the United States, France and Canada with the largest numbers, and dispersed elsewhere in smaller enclaves globally. Altogether approaching the numbers that existed before the Holocaust stained the world.

Small though their numbers are, the rage and hated that can be enlisted against that threatened people is legion and speaks of an undying tradition of anti-Semitism all its own.

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