So we put it up for sale. Kind of torn between keeping it since we become rather fond of our possessions but realizing how unnecessary it is. Bought in 2008 it's a Honda Civic Coupe, sleek silver with a retractable roof-top and a mere 9,300 km of driving. Never winter-driven, but my husband bought expensive ice tires last winter and had it oil-trelled for winter for our granddaughter. But it had just been left to sit, undriven in her mother's garage.
When it was returned to us, we kept it for a few months, drove it several times and then put it up for sale. I never, truth told, liked a two-door car, finding it inconvenient. My husband liked it because it's such a 'peppy' car, very responsive, easy to drive.
The fellow who came around yesterday, middle-aged, with his mother in tow, while his wife was off shopping at a nearby shopping mall, saw it, test-drove it, and decided it was just the car he wanted. And he certainly wanted it. The price was negotiated and accepted.
This morning my husband set off driving it to a strip mall some miles distant from where we live, where the purchaser was waiting, having taken the day off work in his anxiety to possess the car. They took it to the garage where he gets his work done, and the mechanics there professed never to have seen a car in better shape. From there they went to the license bureau located nearby, and changed the ownership.
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