There is a preoccupation that inordinately takes up the time and attention of many ordinarily intelligent people, those who might know within themselves better, but who are nonetheless intensely involved in searching out news, morning, noon and night. What satisfaction they take away from their intense fascination with the news is questionable. Particularly given the unassailable fact that most news is comprised of footage of natural disaster linked to narratives of harm that has come to the unfortunates involved.
Other news focuses grimly on humanity's failings as compassionate, intelligent, reasonable people, for we are, in the aggregate, seemingly, none of that at all. Rather we are given to succumbing to base, primitive instincts based on tribal, clannish reactions of "us and them", and them always lose out, for they are never seen as "just like us", but rather as competitors in a world scarce of resources. And even those who have managed to gather resources aplenty are loathe to share them with those that have not, and become instead well prepared to heap further suffering on those who dare question inequity.
All that being so, why do we bother daily to gather unto ourselves more and even more news that simply reflects the dire news of the day before ad infinitum? We surely are gluttons in many ways, assembling for our gratification more of anything and everything than we possibly require to live meaningful lives. And for some people, that includes garnering news stories and coping with the results.
Because there certainly are results. We become moodily introspective, and anguish over the inequities and miseries of the world, knowing we are inextricably part of it all. Of course there are good-news items as well, but they so often seem contrived, as though representing the motivation of guilt-and-expiation on the part of the news gatherers and distributors understanding the burden they place upon the minds of the inveterate news-gobblers.

I have a secret, one that I have shared with no one. I have discovered something so unique, so compelling and so obvious that I simply cannot understand why alert scientists have not recognized the phenomena and stated the discovery of a new phase in nature's dominion of all matters in existence. In the past seventy years, it has become abundantly clear to me that there has been a gross alteration in nature's compelling feature that enables life to pursue itself into imagined eternity.
Where seventy years ago gravity evinced a delicate assumption, enabling us to leap and twirl and climb and scamper with alacrity, it has incrementally firmed its grip upon us, making such activities considerably less amenable to the wonderful lightness of being.
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