Friday, November 11, 2011

Today was the first time I experienced a twinge of regretful dismay that we no longer have a television set in our home. when the change-over in signal reception occurred in August, both our very old television sets were unable, even with the assistance of a converter box and an aerial, to retrieve those new signals from the atmosphere of crackling electrical transmission.

We decided there was no particular reason to replace the television sets and have been without them ever since. But one of the few times we both watch television is for the Remembrance Day ceremonies at the Ottawa Cenotaph, and I thought how much we would miss being able to see it televised. In the end, we missed nothing; we looked for that same coverage on our small laptop computer instead. We first tried for the CBC and were unsuccessful, but CTV came through with flying colours.

Canada has never been occupied by a malign foreign presence seeking to overturn our sovereignty, although our nearest neighbour, a century ago, did make such an attempt. Since then this country's fighting forces have been involved in a myriad of war events, mostly as part of the Commonwealth, responding to the summons from Britain as a loyal partner in war and peace.

Canadian soldiers have distinguished themselves with their demonstrated bravery, their valorous response to those whose intention it was to destroy the freedoms that democracy has brought to us. Their commanders have an enviable reputation for professional integrity and a high degree of intelligence.

Still linked through the heritage of loyalty and respect to Britain, Canada is now fully responsible for our own decision-making, heeding the call to join conflicts from our membership in organizations like the United Nations and NATO, and responding, when the need is recognized, to requests from our great neighbour to the south, the United States.

Like all other nations on this Planet Earth, Canada is comprised of a multitude of people from various backgrounds, cherishing common values and agreeing during times of great moral and existential threats to come together for the common purpose of defeating tyranny and threats to world peace.

Through peace-keeping duties when appropriate, and through military action when no other option presents itself.

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