Wednesday, October 5, 2011

We've been experiencing an inordinately long run of heavily overcast, cool, windy and extremely wet weather. It is autumn, after all, and this is decidedly a northern climate. When we have this kind of weather leading us into the inexorable approach to winter, and there is no sun to gleam through our large house windows, the house becomes very cold.

Yesterday we set out for our daily ravine walk, when the incessant rain had finally come to a temporary halt. All of us wore rain jackets, including our two little dogs, and we all paddled through piles of wet leaves and puddles on the trails. Even so, the cooler weather appears more agreeable to our little dogs in comparison to the heat of summer when the smaller one would lag behind, heat exhausted.

The squirrels have been busy, putting away supplies for the winter months through their semi-hibernation period. It would be interesting to know how many squirrels recall where they've buried edible bits of organic matter, or whether they're just obeying their natural instincts for survival.

The two very small black squirrels whom we've named Stumpy and Stumpette because they're distinguishable from all the others - black, red and grey - as a result of each having a mere stump of a tail left to them, remain the boldest, approaching us directly for peanuts.

Some would venture the opinion that their trust and recognition of us personally might serve to hasten their demise, but they have handily outlived three winters where we've responded to their demands, despite the presence of owls and hawks, both of which pose a distinct danger to the little creatures.

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