Sunday, June 12, 2011

We felt a kind of mild despair in early spring, because of the unusual cold, wind and rain. It was evident that the garden was also in a state of mild disbelief, as was the forest in the ravine nearby. Everything seemed in a state of apprehended expectation. It certainly didn't represent the usual springtime experience as far as flora re-awakening from the chill of winter was concerned.

We're still in spring by the calendar, although summer is not long on the horizon. But how things have changed. We've had occasional bursts of really hot weather. We've experienced torrential rain, frequently, and along with it - and sometimes without the rain - extreme wind conditions. Which have taken their toll, both in the garden and out in the forest, bringing down boughs and trees themselves.

On the other hand, we've had sun, when it hasn't been raining, and nature has more or less balanced itself out. The result being that everything appears to have caught up; the trilliums, trout lilies, fleabane, daisies, buttercups, Jack-in-the-pulpits, dogwood, bunchberry, have all managed to get themselves in colourful bloom in the forest.

And the garden, too, has redeemed itself, with its normal succession of bloom-times for various perennial plants, trees and shrubs that have scrambled to catch up and succeeded admirably. Thrilling and pleasing us beyond words each time we look out upon the beauty that surrounds us.

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