Thursday, November 7, 2013

It is odd how we habituate ourselves to certain things, like how we dress, especially for women for whom wardrobe is important to express our personalities and our way of life. I'm an outdoor person, loving nature, and being in congress with natural geology and the creatures of nature. As often as possible we spend as much time a possible in the out-of-doors. And naturally, when we're embarked on outdoor recreational activities we dress for the occasion.

I don't tend to wear jeans, but I do wear active gear clothing, trousers and hiking boots, for example. But when I'm not hiking or enjoying in any way being in a natural setting, I shed the trousers. I notice that many if not most woman even of my own generation wear trousers of one kind or another wherever they happen to be. I prefer skirts. It's just what I'm most comfortable in when the element of nature is removed, when I'm at home, when I'm out shopping or attending events, or whatever takes us into society.

At home, if I'm cleaning, I'll wear leggings and a top for ease of movement in performing household tasks, particularly washing floors, vacuuming, dusting. But once that's done, to face the rest of the day I'm most at ease changing into a skirt and a top. And along with that, a pair of warm and comfortable tights.

I've discovered latterly that I can buy tights at a local dollar store for what else? $1. In comparison to the $6 to $12 a pair I have to pay for comparable tights at a place like Winner's, for example. They're all produced in China, but those sold as name brands are priced higher. They fit no better, last no longer and look no better than the ones I buy at the dollar store.

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